money shot

every so often we need to update our web photos and catalog and every time we do we know exactly who to call. photographer extraordinaire, kevin lynch! along with his gorgeous wife, hilary, who runs the "behind the scenes" interests at kevin lynch studios, kevin is always our first choice and "let's wait for kevin" guy. his work is hands down the best and on top of that, he's one of the nicest, most humble men i've ever had the pleasure of meeting. not in a million years would you guess this man is a world class photographer. in a word, his photos are "magical". with an eye for excellence, kevin doesn't miss the smallest of details. after meeting through a dear mutual friend, we began a true friendship. not dreaming of asking, upon hearing we needed kai product shots kevin jumped right in. to be honest it was a bit embarrassing to accept his generosity when this guy shoots for the crème de la crème. sports figures, rock stars, actors and industry insiders who are in the know flock to his studio in santa monica. from rihanna to steven spielberg and everyone in between, you name it, he's shot it. kevin's portfolio is an impressive list of who's who.
laughter, lunch and levity pretty much filled the day and the outcome of kevin's hard work was nothing short of phenomenal! my team kept up pretty well with kevin's speedy pace and as katie said, "we got the money shot." take a look at my angels and my husband on their quest for the perfect image to showcase our new tank top and newly enhanced linen wash.


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