25 things you don't know about me

25 things you don't know about me
my husband and i were hanging out before the superbowl while i was cooking ribs. as is often the case, i like to keep busy so i thought it would be fun to play a game while we waited. long being a fan of the US Weekly piece they call "25 things you don't know about me" i thought this sounded just perfect! although the game of "25 things..." quickly turned into a "let's lay in the hammock thing", the moments we did actually play intrigued me. it's pretty fascinating when you dig deep within yourself to share something that might not ever come about in conversation because a) you don't do them anymore, b) who cares?, c) people will most likely think you're a fruit loop for just throwing out random thoughts about yourself. I WEAR A SIZE 8 SHOE!!!
photo by the talented steven lippman

anyway...here are 25 things you don't know about me.

  1. i have a paralyzing fear of heights.
  2. i am an insomniac.
  3. i am extremely superstitious.
  4. i am crazy for football and cannot believe l.a. doesn't have a team!
  5. i want to learn to speak french and italian.
  6. i love the ocean and feel like i'll have a lucky day if i see dolphins.
  7. boxing is my favorite type of exercise.
  8. i believe i have e.s.p.
  9. i love to read, but often don't have the chance.
  10. growing up i rode horses western style. i'm now learning to ride english.
  11. i eat too much sugar.
  12. i thought this would be easy. it's not.
  13. my husband is from italy.
  14. i have three dogs.
  15. i am really bad with electronics.
  16. i lived on a boat for three years.
  17. i have two brothers.
  18. i'm the middle child.
  19. i worry too much.
  20. i have a fast metabolism. thank god, because....
  21. i love to eat
  22. i bore easily.
  23. i don't like silence.
  24. i love to cook and think i'm quite good at it.
  25. i'm a work in progress.