kai conversations…with nicole anderson

kai conversations…with nicole anderson
i love a good story and nothing beats a good true story. such is the narrative behind elemental superfood seedbars. founder and friend of kai, nicole anderson’s company tagline is “born from necessity, continued with love”. that was all i needed to pique my interest. as a mom of an autistic child with allergies to wheat, dairy and sugar, nicole “became passionate about creating foods that everyone can enjoy and benefit from”. with the yummiest of flavors and something nicole calls crumbles, elemental superfood seed bars are for everyone. from moms on the go to the kids they run after. athletes looking for some fuel to students craving focus. this is your healthy on-the-go snack, a quick breaky with coffee or your go to before/after workout alternative. made with the best of the best ingredients these high protein, high fiber bars have no nasties in them.

as well, a percentage of all proceeds from every elemental bar sold goes to autism research. nothing beats a good ending!

take a look at nicole’s take on our “kai conversations” questionnaire for a bit of insight into her world.

how do you embody kai's breath * life * flow lifestyle?
i try to live one day at a time. when i start to think about things ahead or spend time looking backwards, i remind myself that all we really have is right now, and today is a gift. i do my best to stay present and trust that if i keep living with integrity, stay honest and do the right thing each day, everything always works out for my highest good.

what's the best advice you've ever received?
not to sweat the small stuff.

do you have a mantra you live by?
every day is a gift.

describe your perfect day.
wake up with no alarm. make coffee and a healthy breakfast with my daughter. lay on the couch and read for an hour and then head out for a long walk with my little guy. go out to lunch with a friend, get a massage, then relax at home for a few hours, maybe bake some delicious healthy baked goods, and then dinner with my man.
ultimate getaway?
i love italy, anywhere in italy is where i want to be. last summer we rented a little apartment in rome for a week. we spent everyday walking the streets and seeing the sites, just soaking up the culture. by the end of the week we knew the area and we had all our favorite spots down. we found our favorite breakfast place, gelato, our favorite place for pizza and our favorite pasta place. i would love to spend several months at some point, and experience the different parts of italy, some i have been to before and a few places i have yet to visit.

kai obsession?
i love the kai perfume oil. i always have my little guy near me all throughout the day, so i am very conscious of what i am putting on my body that he is exposed to. i do not like wearing any heavy fragrance, kai perfume oil is not overwhelming, it smells beautiful and lasts all day.

ideal way to relax/unwind?
these days if i get a ten-minute shower and get to shave my legs and wash my hair without my 18-month-old banging on the shower door, that's relaxing! haha.
what's the most adventurous thing you've done?
it was probably traveling solo with my daughter to majorca, spain when she was ten months old. i was 24 years old and had never traveled to europe before. i didn't even think twice about it! i had multiple plane rides and a long boat ride from barcelona to get to majorca. we stayed for a month, it was amazing!

i never get tired of...
date stuffed with almond butter!

favorite workout right now?
i just started using the peloton stationary bike. it is great because i obviously do not have to leave the house and i can get a decent workout in 30 minutes. i love going to a good yoga class, but that is a once a week luxury.

what is your favorite word and why?
persistence. it resonates with me because i have had to be persistent through many times in my life. it is positive, uplifting and strong. it's just a great word!

what do you consider your biggest blessing?
my children. no question.
morning person or night owl?
morning person and lately to bed at 8:30 pm, not much of a night owl!

favorite food?
i love food! especially when it is farm to table is the best.

guilty pleasure?
dark chocolate, on repeat.

thank you so much, nicole! 

p.s. follow us on instagram and stay tuned for a chance to win nicole's favorite kai products along with a crumble bundle (a kai team fave!) and variety box of elemental superfood bars later today!