summertime kai essentials by jessie petruso of malibuddah

summer is in full swing and we are overjoyed to bring you this week’s post with our dear friend & devotee, jessie petruso of @malibuddah, who has kindly shared her kai summer must-haves! jessie is currently expecting her second baby girl, so her summer essentials are particularly important this year as she nurtures her body and prepares for this very exciting, momentous milestone. jessie’s gorgeous platform, @malibuddah, is one of our most favorite instagram pages to visit for smiles and inspiration, as she posts gorgeous scenes from her life, travels, and meaningful family moments. we highly recommend checking out her feed and giving her a follow! a huge thanks to jessie for this wonderful post, and happy summer, everyone!
hi! my name is jessie @malibuddah. i wanted to share some of my favorite summer kai products. this summer will be looking a bit different as we are expecting our second baby girl. but as always, i will be drenched in kai products with my favorite summer scent.