kai conversations with brooke nix

kai conversations with brooke nix

get to know wife, mom and former dallas cowboys cheerleader, brooke nix.

how did you first discover kai?  

my husband was a professional baseball player and i would always travel with him. we stayed in lovely resorts and i always noticed kai in them. one day i bought the kai signature body lotion and have been hooked ever since! there is nothing like that beautiful smell. i don’t even want to wear perfume when i have it on!  

what’s the best advice you’ve ever received?  

comparison is the thief of all joy! 🤍 just go full force in the direction you’re working towards and don’t waste a minute comparing yourself to others!  

do you have a mantra you live by?  

i make sure i dance daily. literally dance. even if it’s just for a minute! i grew up dancing and then became a dallas cowboys cheerleader. i’ve traveled the world dancing and have danced for kelly clarkson, the jonas brothers, pitbull, drake, carrie underwood and more! dancing releases tension, anxiety, and is an immediate mood booster! plus it’s a super fun workout!  

what’s your beauty secret?

a smile! nothing prettier than a happy human & great soul! and cute lipstick of course! 

go-to lipstick color?  

anything rosey pink and feminine!  

what color nail polish are you wearing right now?  

oh boy, metallic pink! i’m very loud with my nails, always! i feel like it’s an expression of my personality.  

who is your role model?  

my parents. hands down. they are approaching 50 years married and have run successful companies while teaching us the importance of gratitude and hard work. my dad had a difficult childhood but you’d never know. i never hear him complain about a single thing. they are my best friends!  

how would you describe your personal style?  

pretty loud! colorful, unafraid, stylish, & confident on some days. then a comfy, loungewear mama on the rest!  

what do you love most about where you live? any secret spots you love to go to?  

gosh i love florida. we live in palm beach county and it’s stunning. the sun and the palm trees energize me! we are just 7 miles from the beach and go boating often. it’s a dream and i’m happy to raise my kids here!  

describe your perfect day.  

anything with my children. probably taking them to do some sort of “first!” they are still little and i love seeing the excitement in their eyes for anything new! ending with a country concert with my family or a night on the couch laughing for hours with my best friends!  

favorite date spot?  

would put on a cute new outfit, spray some kai perfume, and head out to anywhere with oysters, sushi, and ideally by the ocean listening to live music!  

ultimate getaway?  

we went to south africa on our honeymoon and that would be hard to top! but, i’d love to relax in an over-the-ocean hut in fiji! packing my kai travel set of course! a girl can dream right?!  

favorite food?  

pizza, salads, chili, i don’t know—i love everything!  

guilty pleasure?  

this is so random but resort breakfasts! i love waking up on vacation and heading to breakfast! i don’t have a daily guilty pleasure…  

morning person or night owl?  

morninggggggg! 100000%! and i stopped drinking coffee two years ago! wild!  

currently craving?  

an omelet!  

ideal way to relax/unwind?  

boating, hot yoga, and dancing!  

what book are you reading currently?  

relaxed by megan fate marshman.  

what’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?  

i’ve been skydiving 5 times, bungee jumping, swam in a cage around great white sharks in south africa, and more!