kai conversations with lifestyle influencer, tamara jacko

meet southern california based lifestyle influencer, tamara jacko.
how did you first discover kai?
i first discovered kai at a recent swirl boutique event! i remember the whole store having a beautiful, spa-like aroma and i was drawn to the kai booth. i chatted with a brand rep and learned a little bit about the story behind kai and got to try some products and i was instantly hooked! the two products that stood out the most were the diffuser and body glow.
what’s your favorite kai product and why?
i can’t just choose one! my top two products are the body buffer and the reed diffuser. i use the body buffer daily and it’s a perfect light exfoliant in the shower and it smells amazing! i set the reed diffuser out in my room as soon as i received it and it keeps the space smelling so fresh and inviting. it’s the strongest diffuser i’ve ever used. i’m obsessed!
do you have a mantra you live by?
life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.
go-to lipstick color?
nude-ish pink or red!
morning person or night owl?
morning person, through and through.
what’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
always leave something better than you found it. the job, a home, evens, relationships, everything. make a positive impact in every room you walk into, because people will always remember how you made them feel above anything else.