kai conversations with award-winning actress, lily rabe

how did you first discover kai?
i was in my early 20s, living in nyc, getting a manicure, and they were selling kai by the register and i put that roller ball on my wrist and didn’t stop wearing it for years.
what’s your favorite kai product and why? how do you incorporate it into your life & routine?
i love the original perfume oil, but i also really love the diffuser because it fills the whole house in a really delicate, lovely way. the scent reminds me of my days of running around new york and i love evoking that energy even when i am cozy at home.
morning person or night owl? describe your ideal morning or night routine
i am a night owl. i always have been and apparently always will be, because i have very young children who get up really early and now i do too, but i still can’t go to bed early. it’s just not in my nature. i feel my most creative after dark. it’s usually when ideas strike me.